Surgical Oncology SISSO 2023. Seoul International Symposium of Surgical Oncology 2023. February 10(Fri.)-11(Sat.), 2023. Grand Walkerhill Seoul, Korea

Program Details

The program is based on the Korean standard time (UTC+9).
Day 1, February 23 (Fri), 2024
08:50-09:00 Opening Ceremony Room 1
09:00-10:00 Symposium 1. Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trials: Designing, Funding, Enrolling and Reporting Surgical Trials Room 1
Chairs: Kwang Ho Kim (Ewha Womans University, Korea), Jin Seok Heo (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
09:00-09:20 Enhancing transparency and reproducibility in gastric cancer surgical trials: Strategies from enrollment to reporting Ziyu Li (Peking University Cancer Hospital, China)
09:20-09:40 Conducting randomized clinical trials of surgical studies for colorectal cancer Ji Won Park (Seoul National University, Korea)
09:40-10:00 Personal experience of conducting randomized clinical trail; ASTRRA study Hyun-Ah Kim (Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Korea)
09:00-10:00 Oral Presentation I Room 2
Chairs: Hyun Jo Youn (Jeonbuk National University, Korea), Ku Sang Kim (Kosin University, Korea)
09:00-09:10 Intraperitoneal paclitaxel plus systemic FOLFOX for gastric cancer with peritoneal metastasis – updated safety and efficacy from the IPLUS phase I/II trial So Hyun Kang (Seoul National University, Korea)
09:10-09:20 Reevaluation of the predictors for lymph node metastasis and residual tumor in T1 colorectal cancer Weilin Liao (Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China)
09:20-09:30 Solid lipid nanoparticle ganodric acid ameliorates the high fat induced nonalcoholic fatty liver disease via alteration gut microbiota and PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway D Chauhan (RK Science Management College, India)
09:30-09:40 Stage-matched prognosis comparison between ypTNM and pTNM stage in pancreatic cancer Hyeong Seok Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
09:40-09:50 Microsphere-based paclitaxel long-acting injectable (LAI) demonstrates potential for the treatment of pancreatic cancer In-Kyu Kim (G2GBIO, Korea)
09:50-10:00 The role of microbiome influencing Ki67 expression in patients with breast cancer Jeongshin An (Ewha Womans University, Korea)
10:00-10:30 State of the Art Lecture I Room 1
Chair: Hyung Chul Kim (Soonchunhyang University, Korea)
10:00-10:30 Updates of breast cancer treatment and research Kelly K. Hunt (MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA)
10:30-10:50 Coffee Break
10:50-12:00 Symposium 2. Discrepancies among Guidelines and Actual Clinical Practices in Cancer Surveillance and Treatment Room 1
Chairs: Kang Young Lee (Yonsei University, Korea), Yoo Shin Choi (Chung-Ang University, Korea)
10:50-11:05 Discrepancies among guidelines and actual clinical practices in cancer surveillance and treatment: gastric cancer Jimmy So (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
11:05-11:20 Practical application of pancreas cancer guidelines focusing on actual clinical situation Seung Soo Hong (Yonsei University, Korea)
11:20-11:35 Gallbladder cancer Hongbeom Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
11:35-11:50 Harmonizing guidelines and practice: innovations and realities in colorectal cancer care Heung-Kwon Oh (Seoul National University, Korea)
11:50-12:00 Discussion
10:50-12:00 Special Session 1. Next Generation Session Room 2
Chairs: Dong-Seok Han (Seoul National University, Korea), Ho Seok Seo (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea)
10:50-11:05 The process of materializing commercialized ideas from medical needs Peter Kim (Activ Surgical, USA)
11:05-11:20 How to be familiar with single cell RNA sequencing analysis as a surgical oncologist Seungho Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)
11:20-11:35 Implementation of minimal invasive surgery for surgical oncology in Philippines Rene Ronson Ang (Cardinal Santos Medical Center, Philippines)
11:35-11:50 Harsh reality of being a surgical oncologist new to chemotherapy practice Dong-Wook Kim (Dankook University, Korea)
11:50-12:00 Discussion
12:00-13:00 Luncheon Symposium 1 (Sponsored by Medtronic) Room 1
Chair: Yang-Seok Koh (Chonnam National University, Korea)
12:00-12:30 Bleeding control after hepatectomy Jai Young Cho (Seoul National University, Korea)
13:00-14:10 KSMO-KSSO Joint Session (Conversion Surgery) Room 1
Neoadjuvant Treatment for Locally Advanced Cancer: Where We are and Where We are Going?
Chairs: Do Joong Park (Seoul National University, Korea), Myung Ah Lee (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea)
13:00-13:15 Medical Oncologist"s perspective of neoadjuvant chemo(radio)therapy in pancreatic cancer Minsuk Kwon (Ajou University, Korea)
13:15-13:30 Surgical Oncologist"s perspective of neoadjuvant chemo(radio)therapy in pancreatic cancer Naru Kim (Ewha Womans University, Korea)
13:30-13:45 Medical Oncologist"s perspective of neoadjuvant chemo(radio)therapy in gastric cancer Hyung-Don Kim (University of Ulsan, Korea)
13:45-14:00 Surgical Oncologist"s perspective of neoadjuvant chemo(radio)therapy in gastric cancer Masanori Terashima (Shizuoka Cancer Center, Japan)
14:00-14:10 Discussion
13:00-14:10 Symposium 3. Interplay between Solid Tumors and Tumor Microenvironment Room 2
Chairs: In Ja Park (University of Ulsan, Korea), Han-Byoel Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)
13:00-13:20 Heterogeneity of immune cells in solid tumor Yong Joon Lee (Yonsei University, Korea)
13:20-13:40 Single-cell sequencing to determine the immune landscape of colorectal cancer Woong-Yang Park (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
13:40-14:00 Spatial multi-omics analyses of the tumor immune microenvironment Sung Hwan Lee (CHA University, Korea)
14:00-14:10 Discussion
14:10-14:40 Special Lecture I Room 1
Chair: Ho-Seong Han (Seoul National University, Korea)
14:10-14:40 Pancreas cancer: The dawning of a new era Jeffrey Drebin (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA)
14:40-15:00 Coffee Break
15:00-16:10 Symposium 4. Digital Healthcare for Cancer Patients Room 1
Chairs: Hyuk Hur (Yonsei University, Korea), Yoo-Seok Yoon (Seoul National University, Korea)
15:00-15:20 Artificial intelligence in cancer diagnosis Hwiyoung Kim (Yonsei University, Korea)
15:20-15:40 Digital healthcare in the treatment of cancer patients Anthony D Yang (Indiana University, USA)
15:40-16:00 Patient-customized digital healthcare system after treatment Byung-Ho Nam (HERINGS, Korea)
16:00-16:10 Discussion
15:00-15:50 Special Session 2. Clinical Trials Session (Korean) Room 2
KSSO's Challenge for World-Class Research
Chairs: Dongho Choi (Hanyang University, Korea), Yong Beom Cho (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
15:00-15:20 The 1st experience of KSSO clinical trial: KSSO-1 Gyung Mo Son (Pusan National University, Korea)
15:20-15:30 Laparoscopic hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (LHIPEC) and neoadjuvant intraperitoneal-systemic chemotherapy (NIPS) for gastric cancer with peritoneal metastasis So Hyun Kang (Seoul National University, Korea)
15:30-15:40 Exploration of the frequency and clinico-pathologic-molecular characteristics of lynch syndrome in Korean MSI-H gastric cancer Geum Jong Song (Soonchunhyang University, Korea)
15:40-15:50 Development of comprehensive treatment response assessment index to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer using integrative analysis of medical image and liquid biopsy In Ja Park (University of Ulsan, Korea)
16:10-17:20 Symposium 5. Debate in Pancreas and Gastric Cancer Surgery Room 1
Chairs: Hyeon Kook Lee (Ewha Womans University, Korea), Sang-Ho Jeong (Gyeongsang National University, Korea)
Re resection vs Wait and see or additional chemo, RT in biliary-pancreatic cancer margin(+)
16:10-16:25 Re resection Young-Dong Yu (Korea University, Korea)
16:25-16:40 Wait and see or additional chemo, RT Seung Eun Lee (Chung-Ang University, Korea)
16:40-16:45 Discussion
Front surgery vs. Neoadjuvant or conversion surgery in far-advanced gastric cancer
16:45-17:00 Front surgery Chang Min Lee (Korea University, Korea)
17:00-17:15 Neoadjuvant or conversion surgery Hye Seong Ahn (Seoul National University, Korea)
17:15-17:20 Discussion
15:50-16:40 Nursing Session (Korean) Room 2
Chairs: Taesung Ahn (Soonchunhyang University, Korea), Joon-Hyop Lee (Gachon University, Korea)
15:50-16:10 Nurse's role in genetic counseling to cancer patients Hye in Kang (Seoul National University Hospital, Korea)
16:10-16:30 How to manage cancer patients in the community Eun Young Park (Gachon University, Korea)
16:30-16:40 Discussion
The program is based on the Korean standard time (UTC+9).
09:00-10:00 International Surgical Oncologist Liaison Room 1
Chairs: Woo Yong Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Jeong Eon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
09:00-09:15 The role of surgical oncologist in MDT from the perspectives of SSO Kelly K. Hunt (President, Society of Surgical Oncology)
09:15-09:30 The role of surgical oncologist in MDT from the perspectives of ESSO Geerard Beets (President-elect, European Society of Surgical Oncology)
09:30-09:45 The role of surgical oncologist in MDT from the perspectives of JSCO Ken Shirabe (Vice President, Japan Society of Clinical Oncology)
09:45-10:00 The role of surgical oncologist in MDT from the perspectives of KSSO Jeong-Heum Baek (Chairman, Korean Society of Surgical Oncology)
09:00-10:00 Oral Presentation II Room 2
Chairs: Gyung Mo Son (Pusan National University, Korea), Ju-Hee Lee (Hanyang University, Korea)
09:00-09:10 Development of a novel motion tracking laparoscopic camera system: a feasibility study Jae Seok Min (Dongnam Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences, Korea)
09:10-09:20 Hypoxia-related mitochondrial protein IREB2-268aa promotes gastric cancer progression through DHODH-induced ferroptosis defense Zai Luo (Shanghai General Hospital, China)
09:20-09:30 Communicative competence of generative artificial intelligence in responding to inquiry about colorectal cancer surgery Min Hyeong Jo (Seoul National University, Korea)
09:30-09:40 Therapeutic potential of pachypodol in the medicine for the treatment of colon cancer with their molecular mechanism Kanika Patel (Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, India)
09:40-09:50 Survival impact of time interval of completion radical cholecystectomy in T2 gallbladder cancer : multicenter study Soo Yeun Lim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
09:50-10:00 Timing of bowel anastomosis - before or after HIPEC: A comparative study in patients undergoing CRS+HIPEC for peritoneal surface malignancy Srikarthik Voleti (Aster International Institute of Oncology, India)
10:00-10:30 State of the Art Lecture II Room 1
Chair: Hang Jong Yu (Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences, Korea)
10:00-10:30 Future perspectives of surgical oncologists Geerard Beets (Netherlands Cancer Institute, The Netherlands)
10:30-10:50 Coffee Break
10:50-11:20 President's Speech Room 1
Chair: Han-Kwang Yang (Seoul National University, Korea)
10:50-11:20 The changes on the treatment of colorectal cancer liver metastasis and basic attitude of surgical oncologist Hyung Chul Kim (President, Korean Society of Surgical Oncology)
11:20-12:00 General Assembly of KSSO Room 1
12:00-13:00 Luncheon Symposium 2 (Sponsored by Hanmi Science) Room 1
Chair: Jeong-Heum Baek (Gachon University, Korea)
12:00-12:30 A comprehensive review of anti-adhesion barriers Ji-Hyeon Park (Gachon University, Korea)
13:00-14:10 [KSFGS Session] Fluorescence-Guided Surgery Room 1
Chairs: Min Ho Park (Chonnam National University, Korea), Seong-Ho Kong (Seoul National University, Korea)
13:00-13:20 LN navigation for tailored gastrectomy using ICG : FITIN study Seong-Ho Kong (Seoul National University, Korea)
13:20-13:40 Biliary Complication Prediction Using ICG Fluorescence Imaging in LDLT YoungRok Choi (Seoul National University, Korea)
13:40-14:00 Laser speckled imaging : evaluation of blood flow without tracer Peter Kim (Activ Surgical, USA)
14:00-14:10 Discussion
13:00-14:10 Symposium 6. Rare Tumor and Oligometastasis Room 2
Chairs: Hai Lin Park (CHA University, Korea), Yong Beom Cho (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
13:00-13:20 Sarcoma Kyu Joo Park (Seoul National University, Korea)
13:20-13:40 Neuroendocrine tumor Keun Soo Ahn (Keimyung University, Korea)
13:40-14:00 Treatment strategies for Oligometastasis Hyoung-Il Kim (Yonsei University, Korea)
14:00-14:10 Discussion
14:10-14:40 Special Lecture II Room 1
Chair: Han-Kwang Yang (Seoul National University, Korea)
14:10-14:40 Computer vision to provide evidence for best practices in surgical oncology Gerald Fried (McGill University, Canada)
14:40-15:00 Coffee Break
15:00-16:10 [KSPSM-KSSO Joint Session] Treatment of Peritoneal Metastasis Room 1
Chairs: Byoung-Gie Kim (President of KSPSM, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Moo-Jun Baek (Soonchunhyang University, Korea)
15:00-15:15 Intraperitoneal chemotherapy for gastric cancer with peritoneal metastasis Hironori Ishigami (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
15:15-15:30 Revisiting HIPEC in colorectal cancer Soo Yeun Park (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
15:30-15:45 HIPEC in ovarian cancer Yong Jae Lee (Yonsei University, Korea)
15:45-16:00 HPIPAC in peritoneal carcinomatosis Hyung-Ho Kim (Chung-Ang University, Korea)
16:00-16:10 Discussion
15:00-16:10 Symposium 7. Immunotherapy Room 2
Chairs: Young Jun Chai (Seoul National University, Korea), Jun Seok Park (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
15:00-15:20 Checkpoint inhibitor Tae Yong Kim (Seoul National University, Korea)
15:20-15:40 Advances in adoptive T cell therapy for solid tumors Chungyong Han (National Cancer Center, Korea)
15:40-16:00 Oncolytic viruses and cancer vaccine Chae-Ok Yun (Hanyang University, Korea)
16:00-16:10 Discussion
16:10-17:20 Symposium 8. Lessons from Complications in Robotic Surgery: Prevention and Management Strategies Room 1
Chairs: Jun Won Um (Korea University, Korea), Hyuk-Joon Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)
16:10-16:30 Mastering the art of robotic suturing: Reducing the risk of anastomotic leak in gastrointestinal procedures Takeshi Omori (Osaka International Cancer Institute, Japan)
16:30-16:50 Avoiding pitfalls in robotic colorectal surgery: Tips and techniques to minimize complications Hye-Jin Kim (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
16:50-17:10 Surgical strategies to minimize complications and improve outcomes of robotic breast surgery Hyung Seok Park (Yonsei University, Korea)
17:10-17:20 Discussion
16:10-17:20 Education Session. Systemic Therapy by Surgical Oncologists Room 2
Chairs: Sang Uk Woo (Korea University, Korea), Young Suk Park (Seoul National University, Korea)
16:10-16:30 CDK4/6 inhibitors for breast cancer Eun Young Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
16:30-16:50 Total neoadjuvant therapy (TNT) for colorectal cancer Jaeim Lee (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea)
16:50-17:10 Update of chemotherapy in gastric cancer Jong-Han Kim (Korea University, Korea)
17:10-17:20 Discussion
17:20 Awards & Closing Ceremony