Submission Guidelines
Abstract Submission Deadline: January 9(Mon), 2023
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: To be announced.
SISSO 2023 Organizing Committee cordially invites you to submit abstracts for oral, poster and video presentations. All abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee and assigned to the appropriate session to be presented at SISSO 2023.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- Abstracts must be submitted online in English.
- Abstracts must be submitted online through the official symposium website.
- All abstracts must be original work which has not been published in any other journals.
- The abstract body should include the following headings: Background(Aims) / Methods / Results / Conclusions
- It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure the accuracy of the abstract.
- A confirmation of abstract submission will be sent to the submitting author via email.
- Authors may further edit and modify their submitted abstracts by the submission deadline.
- All presenting authors of accepted abstracts are required to complete their registration with full payment by the regular registration deadline.
- Should you have any difficulty in submitting your abstract, please contact the secretariat via e-mail(
Abstract Categories
- Basic and Translational Research
- Surgical Oncology Innovations
- Surgical Oncology Experiences
- Other Treatment Options for Surgical Oncologist
Notification of Acceptance
SISSO 2023 scientific committee will review all the submitted abstracts according to the standard review procedures. Notification of acceptance will be sent to the submitting authors via e-mail.
Withdrawal of Abstracts
If you must withdraw an abstract, please notify the secretariat in writing as soon as possible.